April 22, 2015

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15 signs you are the Laziest in your friends group

Ahhh doing nothing is the best thing to do in the world. Today everyone pretends to be busy so why to follow that crowd even after knowing that they are not doing anything. At the same time you may like to live life the lazy way. If people call you lazy and you have any acceptance issues then go through this list which will eventually portray some signs that you are the laziest among your friends
Let's look at top 15 signs that you can try to spot

1. You are the one who comes with coolest excuses

2. You are a sweetheart at smart work - oh did I say passing work to someone else
3. You are the best in friends to never come up on time for any scene.
4. Your favorite pass time activity is sleeping.

5. You are awarded with the God gift of internet shopping. Thank God for Amazon - oh no - not the jungle :)

6.  You are a sure shot winner among yourself and the couch.
       7. Your mother/wife keeps on complaining about how you keep on demanding chai and coffee every time.
8.  You are well verse with funda of hibernation in winters who actually get off the bed and attend college or office.

      9. You keep on screaming on your mom/roommate to come fast and switch on the fan of your room.

10. Your last time outdoor game was on xbox(virtually).

11. You have trained your dog to bring stuff for you.
     12. You never give parties infact attend many, huhhh!!

      13. You watch same channel instead of getting up and changing it.

 14. Arree why to cook food when you can order???


Hey if I missed anything prompt do write that in our comment section to flag that for our lazy readers.


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